Sam, this false shy
Make no mistakes, Samuel seems shy at first sight, almost wild if you see him going out in pair of shorts of its fa’a’apu, concentrated and busy.
But, give him time to free his tongue, allow yourselves a little of humor and it will be impossible to stop him: one joke leading to a story he becomes inexhaustible and covers you with his communicative laugh.
That’s it, you see his teeth, his eyes sparkle, he makes big gestures, and he speaks with so much passion of the moon, the tides, sailors, ancestors and their legends, trees, wood, plantations… At the same time who would want to stop him? He will listen to you telling your stories, your name, because before any he is eager to learn.
And if he opens wide eyes, supported by one “here we are!” and by a big smile, it means that you well understood everything. You spent an unforgettable moment.
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